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The TEAHOUSE EXCLUSIVE tea lines are the winners of this year’s iF Packaging Design Awards, 2015.
Great taste and a brand that (nearly) covers all requirements of a catering establishment in the hot and cold beverage sector. This is what our One&Only brand stands for! Whether it is fruity smoothies, creamy frappés, full-bodied drinking chocolates, spicy chais or the finest matcha: Each product is composed with a great deal of love and leaves nothing to be desired. Delicious toppings, many innovative recipes and targeted support at the POS round off the enjoyment. Perfect for a well-managed shop concept!
The One&Only brand also includes the frozen yoghurt trend from California! Discover the refreshing temptation, a special type of treat. Simply stir according to the preparation recommendation and put the blend of fresh yoghurt and milk into the machine, e.g. the Frozen Yoghurt Machine Large - and the summer trend treat is ready!
Newly added to the product range: The One&Only 100% fruit and vegetables smoothies. They are the ideal mix made from 100% fruit and vegetables and complement the extensive product range with three delicious tasty blends. The Pumpkin Peach smoothie combines pumpkin, peach and ginger; the Beetroot Apple smoothie makes a convincing statement with its tasty blend of red beet, apple, banana as well as mango; the Cucumber Lime smoothie is a mix of cucumber, apple and lime refined with peppermint.
Further information, countless recipes and an overview of the product range can be found at one-only.eu!
Whether it is single-walled or double-walled, white or brown, non-printed, individually decorated or applied with our stylish design - our Smart Packaging line is convincing with a wide selection!
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